We're not just another church, we're a family!


We hold multiple events every year, please visit our event tab for more info. 

We have been blessed with a rich history that we get to celebrate. For more info please visit our history tab.

Corporate WORSHIP


Contact Us

Corporate worship begins at 10:15 in the sanctuary.

Zion Church is located in the community of Womack.   We are located just 6 miles East of Clifton, Texas on FM 219. We look forward to meeting you.  We're not just another church, we're a family!

eST 1891 Clifton, tEXAS

Sunday School begins at 9:00am in the fellowship hall. For info about our Sunday school please visit the Ministries tab. 

Zion United Church

1411 FM 219

Clifton, Texas 76634


Phone: (254) 675-3599

E-mail: info.womackchurch@gmail.com