eST 1891 Clifton, tEXAS

We have been blessed with a rich history that we get to celebrate. For more info please visit our history tab.

         In 1906, a sister church was founded near Cayote in the Bismark Community. In 1912, the congregation had grown so large that they decided to build a new church building in Womack. This was done because it was the approximate geographic center of the church’s membership. The old building was moved to Womack and the new building was completed in 1913. The church continued to grow, and in 1948, the two congregations, St. John’s Church of Cayote and Zion Church of Womack, agreed to merge into one congregation and relocate to Womack, Texas. In 1951, the now vacant Womack school building was purchased to provide added educational space.

         In 1955, the congregation decided to build a new building. The old church was demolished, and the new church was built upon the same site. The new building was dedicated in December 1955. In January 1962, the final note payment on the new church was paid in full. Zion United Church has been worshiping together for over 130 years and with a rich history we celebrate our past, and look forward to the future that God has for Zion United Church. 

Corporate WORSHIP

We're not just another church, we're a family!

Sunday School begins at 9:00am in the fellowship hall. For info about our Sunday school please visit the Ministries tab. 

We hold multiple events every year, please visit our event tab for more info. 


Corporate worship begins at 10:15 in the sanctuary.


      Zion United Church began in 1891 in the German farming community of Womack just east of Clifton, Texas. Eight families organized themselves as the German Evangelical Zion’s Church on April 26, 1891. Plans were made to erect a school house in the Chase community. On February 6, 1892, the congregation applied for is charter from the state of Texas and began the slow and difficult process of growth. The pastor, in addition to his regular duties, conducted a private school for members.